北京睛,户外47 0 ,房中62 0 , 764 0
晨六点半起。上午院长会议,商东北分院事。到恽子强、严济慈报告东北分院情形,决定” 三反”后派各所主持人员到东北工厂、农场视察,以便视察东北如何把理论与实际来结合。谈到编译局,因杨克强屡次表示要做本行古生物工作,对于编译局不感兴趣,所以决请恽子强为编译局局长,而派克强〈起〉〔赴〕哈尔滨视察该处发现之象骨,以后将专门作古生物工作。午后与仲揆商量如何作下礼拜二的广播,反对美帝细菌战。十点睡。
Soviet Gendics ( Morton) p. 56: 币1e basic Mendelian 8ssumption is that gen创remainunchanged & unaffected by the environment during development , except for fortuitousoccuη咆nce of mutations . MULations 缸e assumed Lo result from changes in geneswhich are either spontaneous or caused by extemal factors (紫外光、X 光等). Sucb amechanìcal view of the relation between organism & environment is veηfar removed. (1) from the active adaptive interrelations observed in physiological & biochemicalstudies of living systems. (2) Altho the organism is in such active organic connectionWl出en vironment that it cannot be separated from it , yet a part of the organism which isunaffected by the environment. Yet this part has to be credited with the ability to controlthose adaptive relations between the environment and the rest of the organism.