竺可桢日记 (1952年)3月23日 星期日


  上午贤贤来。下午至首都电影院看《她在保卫祖国》。院中喜鹊寨已拆完〈完) .枣树上旧巢几乎全拆光。
  晨七点起。上午杨克强来谈。又贤贤来。作函与彬彬、希文二人。下午一点半和允敏、松抢去首都电影院看《她在保卫祖国》Ona 3aU{u叫aem POðUHY。述一女子经德寇占据,丈夫与儿子统死亡后,领导游击人员与德寇奋斗事。四点乘三轮回,时北风甚劲。回途三轮车夫走得极慢。上午贤贤来,知北大、清华” 三反”于下星期可告结束(段落) 。北大建筑系并人清华,本年将监造屋字,不再上课云。晚. 开始写检讨。
  Soviet Genetics , A. G. Morton , p. 53: 据Waddington 说, gene 不但自己能producea replica of itself,而且能生他种物质,如酵素Enzyme ,可以影响到生物其他部{分, while remaining itself unchanged , regulates all those complex processes of changeand development which constitute Lhe life history of organismo The idea of gene is:. inconf1ict with ùle generally established laws of cellular metabolism, & leads to absurditieswben critically examined. It is impossible to conceive of heredity except 臼a prope时of the whole organization of living matter, i. e. , as a pr,∞ess of metabolism. Thegene ìs thus a mental concept, an iclealist picture. Lysenko’s rejection of the doctrine ofa special heredita.rγsubstance on the grounds Lhat it is inconsistent with the materialislcharacter of science is well founded. It is a brilliant example of 由e power of dialecticalmaterialism to illuminate the theoretical foundation of a whole branch of knowledge.(p.54)


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