晨晴46°,Ci 自西,速,房中5 6°。
北京晨晴46 0 , Ci 自西,速,房中5 6 0 。
午后假寐半小时。二点至院。阅章氏《中国历学析疑》。章氏对于过古书确有泥古之弊,如信巫咸之《星经》〔为〕殷人所作,信《尧典》为尧时之现象是也,且文字亦嫌古旧。故要在科学院出版颇成问题。阅东德出席代表带回德国文选,有Jena 大学之目录,知Friedrich-Schiller Universität 成立于1585 年,为Schiller 席勒,Goethe 歌德等读书之地。现有学生3504 人,教员195 人,其中教授Dozenten 127 ,助教67 人。有哲学、法律、神学、医学、自然、科学、教育七个院,有地理研究所,气象所以Lambucht 为所长云。晚电灯熄。
Jαmes Franck R吃port.Blacket~: p. 116 , “If the U. S. were 由e 1 st to release this ( new) means of indiscriminatedestruction of mankind, she would sacrifice public support throughout theworld , precipitate the race for armaments , . and prejudice the possibility of reaching anintemational agreement on the future con田1 of such weapons. ” To reinforce the effectof the Committee’s report , a petition on sirnilar lines signed by 64 scientists associatedwith the Metallurgical Project w踊sent direct ωPres. Truman. However, the adviceand waming of Prof. Franck’s Committ怠e were not heeded , aJ1d the bombs were droppedon Hiroshima & Nagasaki without waming.p. 117 , On Janualγ24 , 1946 , Atomic Energy Commission was set up in UNO.
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