竺可桢日记 (1950年)4月16日 星期日 北京


  晨七点起。上午九点乘车至西交民巷中国旅行社113 号〔晤〕徐子为,系费香曾家〔属),同住沧州饭店。前费盛伯曾来函,要求政务院周总理澈查康泽。余将函转给政务院, 二个月后得复。谓康泽推脱青年团不知有此事,推想系军统、中统所为。近徐子为来,带有费盛伯及家属之信,要费青、振东、孝通等和香曾生平之亲友出名,要政府澈查。并谓昕曾经在贵州息烽被特务关禁之某君云,香曾由军统所捉,而被害于军统。香曾于失踪、前曾为陈立夫邀吃饭,但邵全声经戴笠释放,则是中统与军统似统有关系者。
  至东安市场购Engels 著《自然辨证法} ,价三万元。中膳后杨钟健、孙云铸来,谈半小时。晚刘之远来,谈地质所近况,知所中同人均以俞端甫不公正处事不能服人。仲揆于十三到宁,身体甚好。朱光媲、楼桐茂均于昨与刘同来云二John Somer飞rille Soviet Philosophy, Chap. 2 , Democracy & Education , Soviet Constitution, article 121. The right 10 education is ensured by universal , compulsory , elementa叮education; by the fact 山at education , including higher education is free ofch町ge; hy the system of state scholarships for the overwhelming majority of students inthe higher schools. … There are more than 175 dislinct ethnic groups in the SovietUnion , some 40 in statistically significant quantities. There is a remarkable equalitariantrωtment of these groups in respect to entrance into educational institutions.接士楷函任叔永函孙君立函


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