北京 晨晴18°。下午睛。
汤佩松来谈,谓渠愿就科学院研究计划局事。而教育部以农科大学职务重要,该校新由清华、北大、华北三农学院合并而成,一旦汤离去,难免清华教授方面不成问题,汤要求暂保留此一位(即副局长) ,余等均赞同。且将来如设立计划委员会,亦以汤为最宜也。中膳后一点在寓中洗浴,房间空气温度初为6001热水管出水116°,但放至盆中低至106°,洗毕空气温度为70°,故毫不觉冷。杨昌业来,知华北农学院现由乐天宇、汤佩松、俞大绂三人为委员会主持。乐欲政务会指定校长,政务会则主张教职员、学生公推,清华方面推汤,北大一部分金陵毕业生推戴芳澜云。
Soviet Science in the New 5 Year Plan {新五年计划中的苏联科学}, Anglo-SovietJournal , Quarterly Org<αn of Society for Cultural Relations with USSR {对苏文化关系协会季刊}, Vo1. 8 , No.2 , Winter , 1947. Foreword by 1. D. Bernal: 一The fulldraft plan was a document of 1500 pages: 2 years of general preparation and 6 monthsof detailed preparation. The plan was discussed in 2 full meetings of the Council of Ministersof the union.Academician S. Vavilov sketch before general meeting of plan for sc. work of theAcademy of Sc. of the USSR for 5 years , 1946一-50. In its work , the Academy of Sc.must avoid 2 extremes , on the one hand the transformation of its institute into branchesof industry , and on the other , divorce of the。可from produce and a "head in cloud" attitude... Science is always a system , it cannot develop separately , patchily and only inresponse to external stimuli.. Sc. plans much for future , and it often happens that decade passes before its results are appreciated.