杭州 晨晴70°。
晨六点半起。上午邦华来,为加拿大约派五人赴加考察物理、化学、生物、农工各科事,条件为月给180 Canadian dollars ,来往美圳、|旅费及学费、研究费均在外,以六个月为期。余曾致函与邦华、劲夫、季梁、增禄四人,嘱推人选,以中国委员会萨本栋近有来函于廿号以前推定四名名额也,大概于本月廿六日大会时即可决定。
此项奖金系由UNESCO 转来者。
晨吴均一来。又医学院实验室审查投标者资格,计卅一家愿来投标,但须经审查后始可投标。下午三点开行政会议。体育组舒鸿提出异议,以目前之体育场跑道乃去年借Bulldozer 推土机开山将土挖去而成,故作为医学院实验室,则体育场之计划即不能实现自南至北四百米之跑道。步青与王爱予均帮舒厚信讲话,馥初提出以高工原址作为医学院之用,此事遂告一段落。晚打字作英文稿The Bores ofChien Tang River {钱塘潮~ ,预备明日在扶轮社之讲演。
澳洲之兔子:一Fairfield Osborn The Plundered Earth {劫后地球~, p. 161 62. The first record of existence of rabbit in wild condition in any Australian state appearedin 1827 , but the menace started from 1859 , when the clipper lightning arrived inHobson’s Bay , with 24 rabbits for Thomas Austin of Barwon Park near Geelong. 6 yearslater , Austin had killed 20 ,000 rabbits on his own and adjoining property . . . Withinthe next 30 years the animal multiplied so quickly , migrated so widely . .. They becamea pest of the most critical kind practically throughout the whole commonwealth. In 7years , 1883 1890 , the New South Wales was forced to spend .f 1 ,500 ,000 to controlthe scourge. In W. Australia more than 2000 miles of fencing was erected at the expenseof .f 500 ,000. But after it was all up it was found that some rabbits were alreadyon the other side . .. The predatorγanimals that existed in Australia such as dingoes &hawks are incapable of acting as automatic control. Subsequent importation of wild foxproved a complete failure.