竺可桢日记 (1948年)3月6日 星期六 杭

晨昙,起风(NE) , 54°。
杭 晨昙,起风(NE) , 54°。

  An ambassador is an honest man sent to lie abroad for the good of his country.晨七点起。九点杜清宇来,渠现在汉口仍任航委会养〔氧〕气厂事,自葛正权辞厂长后,厂移汉口,接收日本人之气体〔厂〕。己爆炸四次,第一次死八人,第二次九人,将继任之厂长炸死,遂由杜继其职,最后一次则将厂中俄国工程师炸伤Z王Z玉。
  午后一点借梅太太赴岳王路弘道女学看英文教科书展览会,有商务、中华、世界、中正各书坊之教科书,英国文化协会亦有书寄来。遇Miss Margaret Sells ,田浩征、骆匡畴、晓沧诸人,并晤弘道校长周觉昧。周,宁波人,弘道毕业,在1918 年至沪江,在弘道已近卅年。据云,此校〔系〕北长老会、南长老会及浸礼会三校所合,故名Union Girls School ,美国大使J. Leighton Stuart 之母亲为南长老会女校之校长云。弘道有学生八百人,小学尚在外,造福于社会不浅也。现陈立夫人、严仁屡夫人均在校教课云。
  据教务处报告,冬季毕业生83 人,退学75 人,休学80 人,故比上学期少246人。共1862 人,其中女生234 人。
  俄国贬币值之结果。The New Stαtesman & Nαtion Jan. 17 , 1948 , p. 45. From aMoscow correspondent. A month has now passed since the Stalin – Zhdanov decree ofmoneta巧reform and abolition of rationing. It is already evident that it has brought considerablebenefit to the productive workers. Any family with a typical income of 1500-2000 rubles a month is much better off today than before the de-rationing. Basic foodslike potatoes at 1 ruble a kg and bread at 3 rubles , meat at 30 rubles a kg , represent asmall item in the family budget. The Soviet Union is the first country in Europe to wipethe slate clean of the financial tangle of the war. The productive worker is better off, thespeculator & hoarder penalized. What could be favorer?


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