竺可桢日记 (1947年)4月21日 星期一 〔剑桥〕

<墨) (木〕笔、玉兰将开花。
〔剑桥J <墨) (木〕笔、玉兰将开花。   
黄河回入故道至渤海,民廿七年我军在黄河入〔海〕口375 哩处掘口使河水入淮.it京以下淮海泛滥至旧日以南575 哩处,入口20∞∞o acres 被淹,自去年三月起动工掩掘口,近已成功。
  晨七点起。十点至Boylston Hall ,阅郭、谏沫若《甲骨文研究》机O 中膳(后)至Instit阳ut忧e of Geogra阱ph旧al Ex叩pl阳0创r硝at甜ion 与Brooks 谈,知美国气象学会定于本月廿八日起在华盛顿开会四天。余以本月卅号须看牙医,必须在剑桥,故华盛顿不能前往矣。关于宝望因明年能否留此尚未可必,故目前不能决定行止如何。他的意见,如能展期,想留剑桥至明年春天。五点至游泳池游泳,六点回。
  七点借Iris 与学铺二人赴Boston ,至R. H. White 购得Electric Ice Box 电冰箱一只,六立方英尺, General Electric 制,价为179.75 ,一星期内交货,余即购置。回至Commander Hotel443 号〔晤〕梁庆椿,渠于去年十月来此,在Intemal MonetaIγFund 国内货币基金组织,据云Inte口lational Bank 系长期放款,而IntemaI MonetaryFund 则短期放款云。渠以为目前中国财政情况较佳。十点回0 元任来谈,欲余学担5习语言十五小时,余甚愿受教也。睡时已→点半矣。
  Dialectical Materialism 辩证唯物主义. Bertrand Russell 罗素, A Hisωry 0/ WestemPhilosophy < 西方哲学史}, Chap. 27 , K. Marx 马克思, pp.783-84. He callshimself a materialist , but not of the 18th century sort. His so此which under Hegelianinfluence is called dialectical , differed in important way from traditional materialism ,and was akin to what is now called instrumentalism. ln Marx' view all sensation & perceptionis an interaction of object and subject; the bare object apart from the activity ofthe percipient is a mere raw material which is transformed in the proc曲s of becomingknown. The question whether objective truth belongs to human thinking is not a questionof theory , but a practical question. He says , "The truth i. e. the reality & power ofthought must be demonstrated in practice. The contest of reality or non-reality of athought which is isolated from practice is purely scholastic question. '" Philosophershave only interpreted the world in various ways , but the real task is to alter it. "寄Charles H. Brown 、Richard C. Darnell 、Kendric Marshall 、Z. Z. Li 函及书单次仲函


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