晨七点半32°,Mean 38°。
Cambridge 晨七点半32 0 , Mean 38 00
晨七点起。九点至28 Mellen S1.晤杨兆龙。九点半借杨至Boston。余至Filene Department Store ,为彬彬购雨衣(五元)、手套八元五,并购余个〔人〕夏天内衣、袜子等。又至Washington S1. Robinson Jewel Store (329 号) ,为宁宁购Waltham表一只(Pocket Watch) , 17 Jewels gold filled ,价27.50 ,连链条30.00 元。又至William Book Store 购《αlarles Eliot 传》 ,《Wilson 传》及H. G. Wells 著《史纲~ ,寄与次仲。二点半回。作函与允敏及桦彬。六点至Young Lee 晚膳。七点因。昕Radio一小时。八点又作函与振公及晓沧等。
William James on The 飞Tarieties of Religious Experience. “Prayer is religion in actthat is prayer in real region. It is prayer that distinguishes the religious phenomenonfrom such similar or neighboring phenomenon as pure moral or esthetic sentiment. Religionis nothing of it be not vital act by which the entire mind seeks to save itself by clingingto the principle from which it draws its life. This act is prayer by which 1 understandno vain exercise of words , no mere repetition of certain sacred formulae. but themovement itself of soul putting itself in a personal relation of contact with the mysteriouspower. of which it feels the presence. it may be even before it has a name by which tocall it. Wherever this interior prayer is lacking , there is no religion. “哈佛大学。第二次世界大战共死哈佛学生、毕业生649 人,正在募捐建立纪念。按Memorial Hall 纪念厅为纪念南北战争立. Memorial Church 纪念教堂为第一次大战立。据President Conant 1946 年Repo时,本年海、陆军交哈佛Research Contract科研合同三百万元。谓本年学生数为12,000,战前为8000。在12000 学生中, 8500 为Veterans 退伍军人,但新生愿入而遭拒者甚多。Medical School 医学院之比例几为10 : 10 从各方报告Veteran 成绩甚佳,因为Seriousness of purposes 严肃认真。现行三学期制,学生交三学期学费,但明年即改正。房屋是问题,在Jarvisfield 等处建立198 家,在Boston Hotel Brunswick 租了可住116 家人家屋,又在Fo时Devens 有386 单位,可是有37 哩之遥。校中费了卅〔万〕美金为了住宅,使700 人家有住处,租金减至最低。Veteran 照G. I. Bill 可得津贴,不付学费,有65 元一月之零用,娶妻者九十元。Cona副主张Local Control of education. Very few people ad甜3vocated a national system of education controlled by federal authority.
寄允敏No.25 、Darnell 、彬彬函 寄次仲威尔司《史纲》