竺可桢日记 (1947年)3月11日 星期二


  印度总督Wavell 韦维尔辞, Mountbatten 蒙巴顿继任至明年六月为止。晚元任夫妇请客,到萧庆云及Fairbank 费止清等。
  晨七点起。九点至Boylston Hall ,阅China Weekly Review《密勒氏坪论报》。午后至Widener。七点至27 Walker St.。今日元任夫妇请Prof. and Mrs. Holcombe 、萧庆云、襄开明、王总领事、Prof. 1. A. Richards (who started the basic English movement)、John Fairbank 、曾昭抡太太、卫立煌将军夫妇等等。Prof. Holcombe 述渠至中国与张宗昌(民十五六年)相遇情形,及冯玉祥邀参观其部队之状况。九点借袭开明、萧庆云与Prof. Richards 夫妇至其寓13 Kirkland St.谈天,知Richards 曾在清华多年,直至抗战后始来美国。渠主张用电影教英文,并用850 字之Basic English ,此即二年前Churchill 丘吉尔来哈佛接受博士学位时所提及认为工作异常重要者,其太太曾随Richards 至中国,对于赵家,来往极熟。十点半回。
  Truman (speech) : The veηexistence of the Greek State is today threatened bythe terrorist activities of several thousand armed men , led hy Communist who defy thegovemment’s authority at a number of points 在中国何止数点particularly along the N.boundaries. … Greece must have assistance if it is to become a self-supporting democracy.The British government which has been helping”Greece can give no further financialor econom. aid after March 3 1. G. B. 英国finds itself under the necessity of reducingor liquidating its commitments in several parts of the world including Greece.Greece neighbor , Turkey , also deserves our attention: 一One of the primarγobjectivesof the foreign policy of the U. S. is the creation of conditions in which peoplewill be able to work out a way of life free of coercion. The people of a no. of countriesof the world have recently had totalitarian regimes forced upon them against their wishes.The government of U. S. has made frequent protests against coercion & intimidationin violation of Yalta Agreements in Poland , Rumania & Bulgaria. … 1 therefore ,ask the Congress to provide authority for assistance to Greece & Turkey in the amount of400 ,000 ,000 for the period ending June 30 , 1948. The U. S. contributed34] , 000 , ω0 , ωo loward winning World War II. The assistance to 希、土amounts tolittle more than 1110 of 1 %. The seeds of totalitarian regime are nurtured by misery &want. 1 believe that must be the policy of U. S. to support free people who are resistingattempted subjugation of by armed minorities. 1 believe we must assist free people towork their own destiny. 1 believe our help should be primarily 经济财政。


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