Cambridge 晴。25°。十点起大雪。
[补记:今晚起美国大西洋岸大雪,至甘→下午止,为六年以来所未有。剑桥九寸,纽约卡一寸。六飞机停驶。N.Y 、Boston 中小学停课。〕晨七点起。九点早餐后回c 作函与浙大行政谈话会同人,并发步青、坤珊等同人一函。渠等来函(十二月底)以薪水低薄不克维持生活为言。余谓己函骝先,请将杭州与京、沪a律待遇公教人员,并谓政府主张以UNRRA 之食粮、布匹值二万万元者售诸于市,但美国舆论业巳大哗。此事不成,且如能事实,此等物资尽人奸商之子,公教人员毫无益处。故余主张恢复公粮、公布制度,庶几奸商不能再抬高物价。中午在Comer Luncheonette 中膳,店小、东西甚少,于消化不佳。晚至Seafood 吃Scalloped Clam 千贝烧蛤,简直不能下咽,美国人烧菜恶劣之至。
晚打电话与Pruf. Henry W. Holmes , Prof. of Educa. 教育学教授,即瞿菊农之老师,由渠太太接,约明晚八点至其寓。余将郭有守交来手表送去c 作函与九章、蔚光、温甫,告以宝望到剑桥。并函George B. Cressey 葛艳、石,荐温甫。十→点睡。
Benjamin Fine: Conditions of Schools & Colleges in America {美国中小学与大学的条件~ 11 th articIe , N. Y. Times Feb. 20 , 1947. 20 millions veterans are eligible forG. 1. training , about 25 millions will enter university. At present more than 1 million ofveterans are enrolled. In some institutions 70-80% of male enrollment are veterans.58% of college reported veterans are doing better work than average , 439毛report they379are doing as weII. The prewar enroIIment of alI coIIeges is 1 , 500 , 000 , for the year1947 is 2 , 100 ,000 , and will go still higher lIext fall. Because of low salarγmany goodmen quit posts. Average salary of college faculty member increase only 20% while averageemployee of a11 professions increase 60%. The annual salaηof average professor incollege now is 3980 dollars , assoeiate prof. 3300 , assist‘ prof. 3000 and instructors2350. The highest salary of prof. is 12 ,000 a year only at 12 大学。
Benjamin Fine (Feb. 18) :美国各州Public Sehool 每班每年所用经费相差悬殊, N. Y. 州、|第斗’每班用4 , 100 , Mississippi 密西西比州最低, 400 元。不识字者Illiterates 一千万人,从未进学校之门者三百万人c寄赵松乔、Brenlanos 、温甫、九章、蔚光、Syra,、use 大学Crcssc)’ 的晓沧等No.7 、浙大教职员函