竺可桢日记 (1947年)2月10日 星期一 New York City

New Y ork City 阴。平均31 0 0

  至纽约大学,遇Assistant Prof. M ilI er 及Dr. Panofsky G晨七点起。出外早餐后回。余自至美国后,腹中仍易于患不消化,且体重自124 lb. (连大衣)减至119 磅。九点叶桂馨女士来,借至Times 5quare 乘I. R. T. 跨区快速地铁公司车至149 街,换乘Bronx 车至179 街Bumsíde 5t.下车,至Unive巾,ty Height Blies Buildi吨。晤其气象系教授James E. Miller ,知该校气象系成立于1938 年,系主任系南非洲人5pielhaus ,现将回南,而以Dr. Haurwitz 代之, M ílI肝乃Spielhaus 之学生。在战时整个Blies Building 为训练气象人员之用,现只限于三层楼,有廿五个学生, Graduate 5chool 约廿人,陆军二卡余人。并遇Dr.Panofskyc 渠等研究之问题为Vertical movement of atmosphere 大气之垂直运动,系用温度之变动,风向之变动为主,丘万镇之Master thesis 硕士论文即为研究Tropopause 对流层顶部之高低与空中温度之升降。叶女士研究Correlation 相关方式,亦关于Vertical Movement。十二点回。
  Thunder out of China. p. 129 , Chiang 蒋said , “Japanese is a disease of the skín ,the Communist a disease of the heart” 云云,推想无此事。p. 68 , The war rested onpeasant who supplied the 2 essentials of food & man power. Page 75 , The massacre ofNew 4th Army headquarter detachment in Jan. 1941? 此是)面之词。Page 84 ,.. Japan’s plunge into 5. 5ea was a tuming point in the history of subject Asia. 50 portentousa phase in a revolution of hundred of millions of men that the war itself was reducedalmost to a detail. “对o p. 87 , The 5th Column 第五纵队helped the Japanese371greatly. The British alienated their subject. Chinese were included in the last of inferiorpeople , 50 leaden; of va巾m 中国community called on the Governor of Singapore &asked for arms with which to fight. They were refused. By the end of FebruaIγMalay& Singapore had been lost & Japanese attention drew to Burma & Indies. ln Burma thenative population turned on the white with hatred (1942). Chap. 10 , Stilwell’s War 史迪威的战争: – p. 154 , Loads carried over the hump began at the rate of 80 tons inspring of 1942 , at the end of war at the rate of 80 ,000 a month. p. 159 , The BUI1nacampaign was the only offensive combat victory won by Chinese over Japanese.
  接允敏三函 梅二函 恺儿函 振公、晓沧、晓峰函 黄仕松、赵松乔、戚启勋、卢庆骏、温甫、元任、熊全治、浙大教职员陈恩连、朱炳甲(瑞士)、王鄂韡、Spurr、孙翁儒、Trewartha


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