竺可桢日记 (1946年)3月28日 星期四 遵

晨大雾1°。,27.45°。九点出太阳。I 点校中1°。°晚16°,27.50″°
遵 晨大雾10 0 , 27.45飞九点出太阳。I 点校中10 0 0晚16 0 , 27. 50″ 0

  苏联科学五年计划注重原子能研究,科学院院长瓦维洛夫Sergei Vavilov 称兴建实建实验室五十幢。王仁东来谈。
  Atomic Explosωn & W orld Politics , Economist {经济学人) Aug. , 1945.Before the war American industηwere spending 150 million on scientific researchyearly. Govemment and university rather more than that amount. By 1940 industrγalone spent 300 million , and in 1944 500 to 750 million dollars. Large No. of universitiesoffer to do industrial research. (各大学1930 年二千万元, 1940 年三千一百万81元;美政府1930 年一万一千六百万, 1940 年二万四千万元。) In America academicresearch did not become common until the foundations of Johns Hopkins was establishedin 1876 and a little later in University of Chicago. Prior to the 1 st World War there wasliule research outside of university in America.Niels Bohr , in Times Aug. 11 , 1945: -Of course , practical needs are still the impetusto scientific research , but it need hardly be stressed how often technological developmentof greatest importance for civilization have originated from studies aimed onlyat augmenting our knowledge and deeping our understanding. For long scientists haveconsidered themselves as a brotherhood working in the service of common human ideals.. Against the new destructive power no defense may be possible , and the issue centerson worldwide cooperation to prevent any use of source of energy which do not servemankind as a whole. It is obvious that no control can be effective without free access tofull scientific information and the granting of the opportunity of intemational supervisionof all undertakings… There is and can be no effective defense against atomic bomb , only against thesource of the bomb. The sources are human , and the solution we seek must be at thehuman level. ” Harlow Shapl町, in New M,αss Nov. 7 , 1945.接于震天、王季梁函邦华、季讷、檀耀辉、周国创、季讷、中英科学馆G. Hedley寄彬彬、Geoffrey Hedley (Office of the British Representative of the British Council)


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