竺可桢日记 (1946年)3月24日 星期日 〔遵义〕

〔遵义〕细雨。晨14 0 , 27.30飞日中阴。十点雨。

参政会今日开会,俞鸿钧财长报告本年支出二万五千亿,收入只七千亿,相差82 ‘1毛c 靠UNRRA 、赔款、外债为弥补,其余尚有出售黄金及美军垫款五千亿元。收入七千亿元中,遗产及所得税只五百亿元,其余全是贫民负担(许德珩责问)。
  晨七点起。八点半借松松至校。作函二通,即回。中膳后何清隐来谈,决定《浙大情报》于四月十一日停刊。元晋有Roller Reflex 照相镜,在南京以180 元购得(战前) ,其镜头为Tessar 3.5 ,较余有之Victlander Superb 镜头Helomar 3. 5 为佳,时间最快1/50。”,余之照相则为11250飞据云Leica 可照l/120。”,镜头2.3 云Z王。
  二点借允敏至社会服务处昕张惠谋讲原子弹,昕者三百余人,讲几二小时。昕者未必能全懂,但走者甚少,亦算难得,因所讲极抽象,且无图表也。谓1919 年Rutherford 卢瑟福发现速率高之αparticle 能使原子之核变质,如谈气变成养气He4 + N’4• 0’7 + H’ 0 1932 年J. Chadwick 查德威克发现中子。1939 年一月,O. Hahn 哈恩及F. Strassmann 斯特拉斯曼在《自然》杂志发表以中子击铀可得坝,1942 年十二月二日,芝加哥大学Uranium Pile 之联环作用成功。五点在棉花〔园〕洗浴,后至服务处,以为时间太迟人已散,回家。而吴主任世恕又叫人来,余乃又往。希文回片刻。
  Robert Rusk Doctrines 01 Greαt Educαtors , Chap. 4 , p. 77 :一In the general regulationfor all the professors of the higher faculties , the educational aim of the society is re77called , to lead the pupil to the service & love of God & to the practice of virtue.Direction are given as to how far authorities are to be followed & used by the professorsin lecturing and how are they to lecture that the students may be able to take propernotes. Mter each lecture the professor is to remain a quarter of an hour that the studentsmay interrogate him about the substance of a lecture. .., Professor is not to show himselfmore familiar with one student than another.” Of all things that are the most ancient is God , for he is uncreated; the most beautiful, the universe , for it is God’s workmanship; the greatest is space , for it containseverγthing; the swiftest is Mind , for it speeds everywhere; the strongest is necessity , forit masters all; and wisest , time , for it brings everything to light. ” Thales ,见T. L.Heath <希腊天文史}, p. xvn [原记于
  3月23日日记天头J .接曹礼德函并《希腊天文史》一本寄次仲函徐延煦函Prof. D. Keranen (HelRinki , Fir山nrl)


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