竺可桢日记 (1946年)3月23日 星期六 遵义

遵义晨晴11 0 , 27.30飞晴转热。中午27.20″ , 16 。

  Society of Jesus. 一Loyola.晨七点起。八点至校。九点李县长世家派人来校,知杨子惠、傅启学等今日过遵赴筑,张梓铭与周伯敏在县府。余乃至县府与梓铭谈一小时余。知重庆中央工业职〔业〕学校学生千余要求迁南京,包围教育部,以致数日不能办公。骝先确已辞职。新疆方面哈萨克要求自治,二十〔五〕省府委员以十五由新省人民选任,十个由中央派,回民并选副主席及副秘书长,教育厅亦由回人主持。二中全会对于翁咏霓、宋子文、熊天翼三人攻击最烈,提出辞职要求,均未通过云。公务员待遇自三月起已提高,详细办法渠不详忆云。
  R. Rusk The Doctrines 01 Great Educators 第四章Loyola o The Society of Jesus wasfounded by Ignatius of 1ρyola about 1539. Members had to take a vow of obedience to the Pope. lts characteristic features were its missionary enterprise & its educational activities.”Ratio studiorum” first drafted in Rome in 1584 is one of the first attempts at educational organization when it was unusual to grade pupils in classes. 学程Lowerstudy: 5 years 1 Rhetoric , 1 Humanity , 3 grammar. Higher studies: Rhetoric 3 years and 最后Theology 4 years , 2 years philosophy & math.A Great Teacher: 一”When he spoke it was not what he said , it was the suppressed heat of personal feeling , personal convection which enkindled men. This hasever been the secret of great teachers , it is the communication of themselves that avails.. Their reward it may be added is the respect & affection of their pupils , the only rewardof a true teacher. ” Thompson on “Loyola” (原记于3月24日日记天头J .
  接吴文晖函(附汪经方论文) 许鉴明函 徐延煦函 戚启勋函 张福范、家玉函
  寄张德粹、夏觉民、晓峰函 罗凤超、季讷No.15 函 左之、梅、叔永、馥初、赵子衡


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