竺可桢日记 (1946年)1月25日 星期五 遵义

晨阴15°,27.10″,有雨意。日中阴。旁晚微雨。晚十点15°, 27.00″
遵义晨阴15 0 , 27. 10″ ,有雨意。日中阴。旁晚微雨。

  安全理事会开会讨〔论〕希腊、伊朗问题。联合国大会接受原子能委员报告。军事调解逐渐生效,中共与政府军多停战。重庆学生一万人游行,要求英国交出香港。法国领事非法捕Paul Tosoli ,以法轮Emile Bertin 载往西贡,要求撤换法领及实行委员长诺言、保证自由、释放政治犯等。M吨。n Babbitt o 海南岛近况。
  晨七点起。八点半至校。阅Babbitt 0 (p. 188) Willard Connely: Babbitt stoodfor training in the power to reason (classics or mathematics) , against indulgence of theappetite for superficiality (社会科学与外文). (p. 169) Henry W. Taeusch: It oftenrequired about a month of reading and thinking after one walk to get me ready for another.”His continued health he attributed to his daily walks”. (p. 153) G. R. Elliott:”He dubbed the Chinese “the English of the Orient” on account of their innate goodsense, but he loved to enlarge the superiority of their religious tradition of good manners.”十点杜清宇来谈,知其方自海南岛回。据云日本人在海南岛之目的,抢夺物资而非建设,最要物资为西岸北黎附近石绿之铁矿,每日可出一百五十吨铁砂, 70%为民,次则为五指山之森林。海口所与北黎附近之八所,均能〔泊〕两万吨之船只。工人均为台湾人与汕头人,各二万余,但死亡率甚大。为虎作怅者为汉奸王毅军长,系军政〈军)(部〕次长王俊之弟,已由王俊与之同飞渝云。
  Wm. F. Maag Babbitt. .Faith demands works , and works require that one shall be free to act. Christianity , Babbitt told us , (was) summed up in 3 principles of action:One should build his house on rock. By their fruits ye shall know them , and Rende run to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s. Both Christ & Buddha taught that spiritual indolence is the chief source of evil. Strenuous spiritual effort , the constant exercise of higher will , bears the fruit of humility , which is the root of all other virtues. Humility is the sense of man’s weakness & fallibility and dependence upon a higher Power than himself. Our age is extraordinary strong in its sense of what man owes to society and extraordinary weak of what man owes to himself.”Be my brother or 1 will kill you ,” he would quote the threat of Jacohin to drive home his point that the last stage of humanitarianism , defeated and disillusioned , is homicidal mania. He saw clearly the new class warfare was the end of liberty , and the danger of Japan 模仿西方。
  ”He who reigns within himself , and rules passions , desires , and fears , is morethan a king. ” Milton
  寄蔚光函又胡振锋稿 寄胡振锋单行本 吴馥初函 郭永华


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