竺可桢日记 (1945年)8月2日 星期四 遵义

遵义晨阴250, 27.0飞日中阴。晚八点雨数点。刺莉、山查果上市。

  三巨头Potsdam会议闭幕,德国赔款苏占50%,英美40%,余各国10% Ha町Truman至英访英皇。1)昭和之生平, 2) Adolf Hitler’s Last Hours , 3) Marshal Zhukov。下午贵州银行刘顺慈来。刺莉含维他命C十倍于Lemon,惟不易入口。此间山查粗涩,不及江浙。
  晨六点三刻起。八点至校。作函与晓沧。家玉、悲谋来谈。又季恒及魏春孚来。十一点至江公祠图书馆晤皮高品,知渠已移居山上图书馆中,并知有女职员三人亦住山上。最近中英科学馆送书二十小包,中有王福春著之单行本三包。王现卧病,患T. B.肺结核甚剧,余嘱姚佑林速寄。十二点回家。午膳后睡一小时。阅 Time May 21 , ’45,中有述及日皇昭和一节。晚膳后偕允敏、松至劲夫寓。八点回。
  Time Magazine May 21 , 1945. Emperor Hirohito is the 124th scion of the divine dynasty,生于April 29 , 1901 , grandson of Meiji , and son of Yoshihito大正, who died insane,明治于日召和十岁时去世,Nogi夫妇自杀。 1921昭和曾至欧美,Married Prin.cess Nagako of the Satsuma family , have now五女二男,Crown Prince Akihito , now 11。In 1924昭和became regent , and 1928 ascend the throne。昭和研究生物,collec.ting fungi。
  据Time记者Percival Knauth根据Hitler之Stenographer Gerhard Hergesell之报告,谓本年四月廿二下午二时在柏林Chancellory所开会议为最后一次。会自三点迄八点,但最重要为开始十五分钟。到会者为Martin Bormann , successor to Hess as Führer’s代表,Field Marshal Wm. Keitel & Col. General Alfred IQdlo当时Hitler屡次讲要死在Berlin,但余人均反对,劝去德国南部,且谓与原来计划不同,结果四人同留柏林,同归于尽,但Hitler劝三人去南德,且谓G.ring wird verhandeln 0
Russia’s No. 1 Soldier {俄国第一士兵>, by Richard E. Lauterbach , Reader’s Di.gest May , ’45. Marshal Georgi Konstantinovitch Zhukov will down in history as one of the greatest generals of World War 11. For the last 4 years he has shuttled between Kremlin & everγbattlefield of the R. front , alternately , planning grand strategy and commanding armies on the front line. He defend the siege of Moscow in autumn of 1941 , partake the epic battle of Stalingrad for 21 weeks , and organized a new offensive at Leningrad. In summer 1943 planned the offensive of Kursk , Orel , Belgorod & Khar.kov. Early in 1944 , he was in command at Ukrania. From Jan. 12 , 1945 began his march to Berlin , at the rate of 15一-20 miles a day. Born in 1895.
  寄晓沧、家玉函 刘震清、黎子耀、张梓铭、余又荪、朱习生函


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