竺可桢日记 (1945年)7月20日 星期五 遵义

晨雾,校中 21°。日中晴。晚有月光。
遵义晨雾,校中 21 0 0日中晴。晚有月光。

  魏德迈将军 Wedemeyer宣布中国战区美陆军航空队总司令斯特拉斯梅耶就职, Chennault 已回美。参政会宋子文出席报告后闭幕,宋谓最速在明春可以击败日本,使之投降。宁宁请土木系乐秀文补习数学。林汝瑶、姚梅生、陈法礼来。 Max Eastman & J. B. Powell on毛泽东。
  午后睡一小时。阅 Max Eastman著《世界之命运系于中国》一文。五点李天助来谈,为护士事,知尊生发热己五日之久云。晚膳后晤黄尊生,知其发热已五天。
  Max Eastman & J. B. Powell “The Fate of the World is at Stake in China”. Mao Tse Tung Book “China New Democracy” , 1941 , says “The world now de.
pends on communism for its salvation and so does China.” “We cannot separate our.
selves from the assistance of the Soviet Union or from the victory of the anti-capitalist
struggles of the proletariat of Japan , Great Britain , the U.缸, France & Germany.
Mao explains learnedly that Communism in China has 2 stages , 1 st the present stage of
new democracy , which is but a preparation for the 2nd stage , i. e. proletarian revolu..
tion and the establishment of collectivism on the Soviet model. Mao excoriates those who
do not understand this and insists that the 2nd stage must follow the 1 st closely , and not
permitting a capitalistic dictatorship to be inserted between them.一-Reader’s Digest
June , 1945
  接关辅德、陈叔谅、吴寿椿函 赵九章函 朱骝先函 农山、雨农六十、步曾五十寿庆征寿金启


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