竺可桢日记 (1945年)7月18日 星期三 遵义


  美第三舰队及英太平洋舰队海空双方攻击东京区军事设备,轻型舰队并开入东京湾入口处野岛峡海面。 Rangoon仰光至Pegu勃团长九十哩铁路通车。 Max Eastman &J. B: Powell ” “The Fate of the World is at Stake in China” <世界之命运系在中国> ,Reader’s Digest June , 1945。
  晨七点起。八点半至校。阅来往公文及来往信件三十余件。谢家玉来,知魏春孚已接庶务主任事,又知唐家祠堂所筑宿舍己落成。荩谋来谈,余告以在筑商各大学招生经过情形,决派家玉往筑主持,并可索还公路局之酒精80 gallon (现值 6000 -gallon)及交涉湄潭发米事,缘县政府不允再发米也。昨接直侯函,知湄潭第十七伤兵医院与十七荣誉军人教养院之兵滋事,密谋围攻县府,已杀为首者三人云。刚复来谈。十二点回。膳后睡一小时。四点洗浴。五点至校。回。劲夫夫妇来谈。六点至社会服务处,应李宗仁太太郭德洁之约晚餐,到刘震清夫妇、萧仁源主任、陈锡帧、丁假生夫妇、吉星福、熊佛西等。外语班有被取消之〔消〕息。
  Max Eastman & J. B. Powell “The Fate of the World is at Stake in China” , Reαder’s Digest June , 1945.
  The question which social system prevails in China is identical with the question whose leadership prevails , that of democratic American or of totalitarian Russia. Ameri.can modes of influence are cultural persuasion , the example of prosperity , skilled tech.nical assistance , capital irivestment & above all militarγ& economic supplies. Russia’s weapons are conspiration of organization., & party controlled propaganda , leading to sei.zure of power ar.d a liquidation of all democrats , and if necessaηarisès militaIγmva.sion in the name of liberator. Russia cannot fumish capital , an example of prosperity , or supplies on a scale comparable to ours.四l.s gives us the triumph cards if we play our hand with the clear understanding of the forces involved. … In the Soviet Union only one pa町can exist the party of communist (Pravda Nov. 26 , ’36). In Siberia 15 20 million of Russian c.tizens are dying , a slow death at hard labor.毛泽东 New Book “China’s New Democracy” {新民主主义论}, “No matter whom you follow , so long as you are anti-communist you are traitors. ,,
  接晓沧、陈国才、涂长望、金启辰、王藻仁、高直侯、中正书局、吴定良、储润科、胡哲敷、蔡邦华等函 高直侯电
  寄吴文晖、彭谦、吴均一、孟宪承函 朱骝先函 方子勤电


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