竺可桢日记 (1945年)7月17日 星期二 贵阳


三巨头会议今日正式开始。美机 1500架轰炸日本首都东京。英美联合舰队长达五十哩在日本沿海炮轰。广西我军至修仁、百寿附近。江西克赣州。
晨四点三刻即起,因 S. O. S.总处人谓六点以前须到 air strip也。五点半老赵
所雇洋车来,渠即推行李出大南门往老飞机场。行至中央医院,余知方向不合,乃折向西至新飞机场。至场已过六点,其地即在河滨公园之对河。人门有 Military Police宪兵队。余询有否车开遵义,渠不知,嘱询 Sergent Hope。至其帐篷,则 Hope尚未起。待至七点,由渠介绍给炮四营副营长,渠在 Waiver of Liability上签字交 4th Tank之二连连长。余至车 Convoy见二连连长,渠指定坐 106D5 (4th Tank 2) 车。坐车后,二连炮兵共车十五辆,余所坐车为第三辆。车北行者多空,仅装空油筒而巳。车前坐二司机,车后已有卫生兵三人,均川人,年仅二十左右。车至 9:30始开,一点至息烽附近,司机均发饼干→包。余上车上满身均灰,亦元处可洗手,故包中所购面包亦未吃。四点至刀靶水略停。六点至遵义南门外未停,直开遵松路上 S. O. S. Camp。余雇挑夫至中央餐厅晚膳后,回寓洗浴。
Woodrow Wilson The New Freedom , p. 221: Mr. Jefferson said in those early days of simplicity which marked the beginning of our government was that the best government consisted in as little governing as possible. … Freedom today is something more than being let alone. The program of a government of freedom must in these days be positive , not negative merely.
America’s vitality does not lie in N. Y. C. , or Chicago. The vitality of America lies in the brains , the energies , the enterprise of the people , in the efficiency of their facto.ries and in the richness of .field that stretches beyond the borders of the town; in the ‘wealth which they extract from nature and originate for them , sieves through the inven.tive genius characteristics of all free American communities.
p. 232: The world now knows what it was then loath to believe that a nation can sacrifice its own interest & its own blood for the sake of liberty and happiness for another people.


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