竺可桢日记 (1945年)7月13日 星期五 贵阳


印度Simla西姆拉会议因真纳坚持行政会议回教代表必须以回教同盟所选者为限,不承认国民大会所选之回教代表,故将破裂不成会。上午比文辅来。晚看Laurel & Hardy电影。 Wood~ row Wilson “ηle New Freedom”。
今日起开始球类,游泳定十六。余与舒厚信至冠生园早餐后,至六广门体育场看中学男子组及女子组比赛,均为六区(铜仁)与五区二场,均六区胜。遇傅启学。十一点回。睡一小时。一点至金龙中膳,此间客饭每客800元。金龙之经济酒席一万至一万二千元,八大八小,冠生园早点Cocoa每杯400,点心 120元与180两种,牛奶每杯300元。五点至河滨公园。七点至贵阳大戏院看Buttyitter电影,Lau.
rel & Hardyo
Woodrow Wilson The New Freedom , Dent & Sons , 1916 , Chap.3.
There are two theories of government that have been contending with each other since government began. One of them is the theoIγwhich in Americans associated with the name of a great American , Alex Hamilton. He believed that the only people who could understand government , and therefore the only people who qualified to conduct it , were the men who had the biggest enterprises of the country. It is astonishing how per.sistent this the。可 is. … The government of the U. S. at present is a foster child of the special interest. … The men 1 am interested in are the men who never got a line in the newspaper , who never got a moment on the platform , but who silently & patiently sent to their work everyday car巧ing the burden of the world.


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