晨晴 24°,27.20°。下午雨。晚雾。
遵义晨晴 24 0, 27.20飞下午雨。晚雾。
MacArthur drives in Cagayen Valley 10 miles from Santafe.为丁绍均、杨宗敏证婚。圣公会滇黔区主教 Bishop朱友渔来。晨六点起。七点半至校。作函二通。刚复来谈。十一点田。中午至社会服务
二点至学生服务处晤圣公会 Church of England黔滇区主教朱友渔。朱,上海人,于 1912年自美国学成回。 1920年复往,在圣约翰多年。近曾赴英美一年半为国宣传。余约其至何三号为学生演讲。渠讲对于游英美之感想,约一小时。三点至柿花园一号茶点,到刚复、舒厚信、季梁、坤珊、惠谋、耀德、顾谷宜、万一、 Mr. Spu町等。四点告别。六点半至交通银
‘1 J叽1日。
M. General Claire Chennault Indictment , April 16 , 1945 , p. 16 , Time Magazine. The general在中美新闻记者面前 itemized his indictment. Tires & wheels have been
stolen from P51 Mustangs. Bomb parts have been stolen , making the bombs duds. Emergency jungle kits in parachutes -(内有食物、刀叉等) have been looted. Almost any G. I. (government issue) in China theater could have enlarged the indictment. Widespread thievery is the secret grievance the average American soldier holds against China. At one base the rotor and timing gear on tractor used for loading heavy bombs were stolen. The parts could not be replaced in China. Economic pressure , not anti.americanism is behind the thievery. The Chinese people are being crushed between poverty and inflation. Rural bandits prey on their own people with hair-raising savagery. To save the strength of the army , General Chennault urged Chinese people not to buy any stolen parts which is easily identifiable.