竺可桢日记 (1945年)4月8日 星期臼 北碚

在北暗罢。晨10. 10,午后二点17.60。

  ”The Value of Science to Humanity” 《科学对于人类的价值》, Prof. A.G. Tansley, F.R.S.,Herbert Spencer Lecture, June 2, 1942. What are psychological factors underlying the scientific bent? Curiosity is the most general concept under which the first impulse may be brought. Curiosity has been defined as the desire to know or leam about anything , esp., what is novel or strange. We have defined pure scientific investigation as the pursuit for its own sake of coherent knowledge of the phenomenal world and its essence of being in psychological. Technological research is always con.cemed with the solution of a problem for practical purposes.他的背景是省费、赚钱,或是医病,或是省工,而纯粹科学研究目的在于增加知识,革开求真理。 Science is ir卜 dispensable to our complicated material civilization , it has also intellectual ethical aes.thetic & spiritual values of a high order. Equally with literature and art , science has its own contribution to make to the development of the minds , its own distinctive quality engendered by the habit of dispassionate objective investigation & of respect for 。问ec.tive truth. The scientific mentality forbid the unconditional acceptance of views &for.mula represented as authoritative’ but often motivated by traditional bias and selfish in.terest. It teaches humility and submission to the logic of established facts , and counter.acts the arrogance of human prejudice and willfulness. This is an ethical as well as an intellectual contribution.
  Mathemαtics for the Million 《大众数学》, Lancelot Hogben, Allen & Unwin, London, 1936. p. 15: In the time of Diderot the lives &happiness of individuals might still depend on the holding of correct beliefs about religion. Today they depend more than most of us realize upon the correct interpretation of public statistics which are kept by govemment offices , such as unemployment allowance , mild allowance of a child , etc.
  p. 29: The object of grammar is to control the freedom of words so that there is no congestion of intellectual traffic.
  〔p.38:〕The Egyptians had already fixed the length of year as 365 days before 4000 B. C. by counting the days between two successive heliacal rising of Sirius.
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