竺可桢日记 (1945年)4月7日 星期六 在北碚


  晨六点起。上午阅毛汉礼《台湾气候》英文稿,知澎湖为台湾风力最大之地,冬春平均可至9 mlsec. ,又台湾北端夏季较南端热。壁黄来,知心理研究所之损失,渠不愿再代缉斋为所长,嘱余告骝先。中膳后借九章至科学社晤析薪。三点陈宗器、潘德馨来谈。
  ”The V alue of Science to Humanity” <<科学对于人类的价值. by Prof. A. G. Tansley , Nαture July 25 , 1945. There is no evidence & no likelihood that the basic mental equipment of primitive man from upper Paleolithic time was substantically differ.ent from our own , but he was without our heritage of knowledge. He had to begin from the beginning. But he had in superior degree the power of adaptation and intelligent modification of those instincts to new condition of life , & with the acquirement of articu.late speech he would imitiate an oral tradition of knowledge. Thus bodies of traditional knowledge wake established , handed on & gradually increased from generation to gener.ation. . The arts of writing & calculation were invented and几何、天文began to emerge as a coherent bodies of knowledge.四千〔年〕以来,近东与欧洲人的 mental constitu.tion无变化。It is impossible to doubt that the satisfaction in discovering new knowl.edge for its own sake , which is the driving force of research in pure science must have been present.在古代,中东、近东之民族。自十六七世纪以后,there has been a body of scientific knowledge and theory which had continuity and each generation could build upon the foundation laid by its predecessors. Discovery in science hitherto isolated & sporadic , because a continuous process and thus pure science cultivated for its own sake acquired an independent life.有许多发明,统在无实用之工作中偶然发现,因为发现的偶然性,遂使科学研究专注重于特殊目标,而无自由为一极disastrous方法也。
  在纯粹科学中,如地球之历史、岩石、动植物未必有用,但因其本身之兴趣,吾人仍须霸求其真理,且亦元从知日后之是否有用耳。整个知识亦不容以有用与无用以分别研究与否也。 Technology is essentially patchy技术家所注意乃一小而特殊的问题,纯粹科学家永久在觅underlying causes。各事物之关系为昔人所不见不知者。 This constant research is the essence of pure science and when it succeeds , great new fields are often open up for exploitation for technologist.
  接张孟闻太太函 允敏函


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