竺可桢日记 (1945年)3月13日 星期二 〔重庆〕


  晨叔永夫妇来。解俊民、胡永畅来。下午周子竟来。郑肇经(权伯)来。医生魏祖宪来。 Haldane Keeping Cool。
  卧病感冒。 7 A. M. 37.9°, 10 AM 37.6°, 1 P. M. 37.9°, 3 :45 38.5°, 7 :00 PM 39.5°, 9:3037.8°。
  J. B. S. Haldane Keeping cool αnd other essays 《保持冷静和其他论文》, Chatto and Windus , London , 1940. pp.253 275: The Marxist Philosophy , a lecture deliv.ered hefore Birkheck College , 1938. p. 256: As a result of my scientific and political experience , 1 had to accept Marxism as the hest availahle philosophy. … It is com.monly stated that Marxism exalts the state as against the individual that it preaches fatal.ism , & that it regards man as the slave of economic .forces. We shall see later how far from these statements are from the truth. The Marxist philosophy is called dialectical materialism. It traces its origin on the one hand to the mechanical materialism of French 18 century philosophers such as Diderot & on the other to the dialectical idealism of He.gel. Marχist acknowledge the unity of theorγ& practice , hut the primacy of practice over theory. Marx wrote “other philosophers have interpreted the world , the point is to change it. ” As a Marxist , he must he prepared to state his life on the truih of his phi.losophy. By materialism is meant the acknowledgement of the temporal priority of matter over mind , and helieve that there are unperceived events. In Hegel’s philosophy the unity of philosophy was treated idealistically. The principles of change were called dialectical , hecause they were examplified in dialectical thought. And Hegel helieved that nature mirrored thought. Marx on the other hand went hack to the common sense view , that thought & other mental processes mirror nature with different degree of exactness. Of 2 similar things of which one is copy of the other , the one which was the first is the original. And Darwin’s work left Marx with no douht that nature was in existence hefore mind. Haldane p. 260: Even the laws of nature change. According to Milne the wave length of a spectral line measured in a material rod , is gradually diminishing , and in relation to the day or year chemical processes are speeding up. It also embodies the unity of the opposites. Plato saw that body was both large & small , soft & hard , and concluded that size & hardness are real , but matter is unreal. Another fundamental dialectical principle is what Hegel called the transformation of quantity into quality e. g. that change of H2 0 into steam. The most fundamental is the quantum theory. Few biol.ogist believes in continuous variation. The most characteristically Hegelian principle in Marxism is that of the negation of negation , a negative condition in a child is a source of alarm to parents. A child must pass a stage of guilt. The negation of innocence before it can attain to virtue. This principle is the main sources of progress in mathematics. Complex No. was invented after the rules of ordinary arithmatic was broken.
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