竺可桢日记 (1945年)2月7日 星期三 遵

飘雪,外间冰。房中 4°,27.40″。校中 1°。终日微雪数片,但地渐干,入晚雪。
遵飘雪,外间冰。房中 4 0, 27.40″。校中 1 0。终日微雪数片,但地渐干,入晚雪。

苏军抵 SUeti叽距柏林 23哩。


午后二点至校。作函数通。四点半晤张京谋于其寓,嘱其维持教务至明年暑假,彼时晓峰可回任训导,而调洽周任教务。渠己首肯。余又洽易修吟请其任教务,渠不允,但强之或可行。三点半回。腹泻。晚教彬彬读Shakespeare莎士比亚 }ulius Cαesαr {皑撒大帝》。森森音不正确,纠正不易也。九点馀睡。
“Literature of Athens” , by Sargt Joe McCarthy , in Y,α时the Army Weekly {美军周刊> Dec. 9 , 1944. The people in Athens need clothing & food badly but they are not starving as they were in 1941 & 1942. When you ask why the food situation improves this year , they all give the same answer一-the Intemational Red Cross. Without the Red Cross , we all would have been dèad. “That was our only source of food. The chil.dren especially owe their life to the Red Cross. We feed our bodies on nothing but their canned & powdered milk. The Germans slaughtered all our cows.川. .. Before the war the Greek Drachma was worth about 160 to the American dollars. As 1 write the drach.ma is worth almost 100 billion to the dollar & its value is still dropping. One egg cost 8 billion drachmas.
接Lenning Sweet , United China Relief, 218 Sh】1an
仙 伯、许道夫、陈可忠、战地服务团寄谈家桢、知识青年从军学生寄高文伯函王淦昌函赵九章、王爱予、朱善培函杨守珍函谢幼伟


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