竺可桢日记 (1945年)1月9日 星期二 遵

阴。 7°,27.95″。校中 2°。晚雨。
遵阴。 7 0, 27.95″。校中 20。晚雨。

  美兵于今日上午 9:30在吕宋登陆,在马尼拉北 126哩仁牙因。腹痛甚剧不宜吃泻药。腹中生气多由于胆囊之病。
  晨六点三刻起。余手足上均生冻疮,昨左手背及小指根上冻疮又破,今日起见手背红肿,不能不包扎,而左脚背上及右脚拇指之冻疮亦迄未愈。阅 Logan Clen.dening Humαn Body 《人体》, p. 162其中述及消化器官,云It may be stated in the most positive terms that in everγacute abdominal complaint a carthartic is dangerous,原因由于腹部剧痛,可能由于盲肠炎,若吃泻药,可使攒烂处之微菌泄至腹部,成腹膜炎Peritonitis。又第109页,讲胃愤殇οThe symptom of ulcer of the stomach and duo.denum are very characteristic. Pain or a sense of discomfort refered to the pit of stomach come on in this case of stomach ulcer right after meals , in the case of duodenal ulcer , just before the meal is the main symptom.胃中Ulcer之征象有三,即(-)呕血Haem.orrhage , (二)剧痛,(三)Stenosis or narrowing of pylorus。治疗之法,Besides the use of alkalis , the institution of diet is important. Milk , cream & eggs , Jean meat , potatoes a陀 good. Avoid sweets , fried food , heavy vegetables and fruits.第111页,肝中接受自小肠世出之血,而小肠中有甚多之微菌,故肝中难免不积有微菌,故流出之Bile积于Gall Bladder胆囊,使胆囊发炎或生石。 Thus the gall bladder is cortstantly subject to infection. The formation of gas in the stomach seems to be associated with this infection.胆囊有石塞住Common duct总胆管,则生黄症病Jaundice云云。
  接叶左之函 王爱予、丁绪宝
  寄谷正纲电 陆绩何、王季梁、杜清宇函


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