竺可桢日记 (1944年)6月27日 星期二 自湄至遵


  Karl F. Ga旧S; Prince of Mαthemαtician.
  晨五点半起。招许鉴明,托其觅车辆赴遵,因余急于回遵。阅Phillip Lenard 《科学界之伟人·高司传~o
  Karl Friedrich Gaus日, 1777一1855, page 246. What is now taught in all kinds of educational inst.tutions under the name of science is what Gauss regarded as a mere
  too1 , a suhsidiarγmatter, mathematica1 technique. The masterγof motors and wireless waves hy knowing ahout them does not ennoh1e humanity , it coarsens and degrades them , and even makes them ohvious1y more stupid. On the other hand , the joy of new1y found insight 1ifts them up , when understanding for it has heen cultivated. Gauss was never in hurry to puh1ish , since this was a secondarγmatter for him. The foundation of it was a striving for truth and a fee1ing for justice.《法拉第传》247-262页, 1791.1867 A. D.。法拉第对于思想极为审慎。往往有不可思议之事渠能信之,但一经事实证明其误,则无论如何美丽之理论,则立即放弃,其爱真理至于如此。氏喜闲静,故曾辞皇家学会会长及政府之勋章。氏五十后曾一度患病,但以赴亚尔魄山休养数年得愈云。


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