竺可桢日记 (1944年)4月30日 星期日 遵

阴。下午有阳光。晨家中 18°。
遵阴。下午有阳光。晨家中 18 0 0

  五点至柿花园一号洗浴。遇刘操南,知其在作《(记·天官书〉考证》。余细阅子政寄来 Kingsmill《中国历法:其来源与历史》一文,觉其中颇有误会之处。氏谓周代祖宗公刘乃来自小亚细亚。最可怪者,氏将《诗经》卷十二《小雅》:”十月之交,朔日辛卵。日有食之,亦孔之丑。”其下有:”彼月而食,则维其常。此日而食,于何不贼,烨烨震电,不宁不令。皇父卿士,番维司徒,家伯家宰,仲允膳夫,栗子内史,顿彼趣马,情维师氏,艳妻煽方处。”注诗者均以此诗乃剌周厉王,而所谓艳妻指褒拟,但氏翻译为如下: The sun and moon presage evil , abandoning their prop. er path. The four quarters are without rule , through their leaving their settled course , that the moon should be extinguished , is an ordinarily matter , but that the sun should be blotted out , what calamity does it not conceal. Hwang Fu (Verihaspati) is the lord of ascendant , Chiang Yun (Cravana) is subordinate. Tseo Tsze (Savitar) serves within Kwai We (Javana) spurs his horse , Yu Wei is captain of the host , and fair Tsai (Dhruva-the pole star) twinkles from her fixed abode.


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