竺可桢日记 (1942年)8月19日 星期三 遵



  今日;英法联军一师在法国海岸Dieppe 边耶普上p陆,但为德兵所击退。我军攻克温州、吃阳、横峰。陈庸声回校。
  晨六点半起。八点至校。施恩得Spurr 以朱友渔之介绍片来。谢家玉、迪生等来谈。又程石泉与方神父来,谈文澜阁《四库全书》事,缘贵州大学与中央圕均思染指也。中午回。,睡→小时余。近日梅气喘稍佳,而松儿亦未发热。三点借允敏至经历司街衡宇晤黄尊生夫妇。黄之夫〔人〕余竹岩,现为女生指导员。
  ·四点至校。阅《贵阳市政~ ,知贵阳税收去年上半年只十三万元,下半年增至八十七万元,本年可增至五百六十万元。遵义县收入二年前十五六万〔每〕年,本年可至八九十万元。晚在柿花园一号约谢文通、孔福民、杜乐道、遵师校长霆先艾及谢家玉、迪生、佘坤珊、任美锷等。八点回。
  Lincoln Page 409: “God must like the common people , or he would not have madeso many of them. ” “1 hold that if the alniighty had ever made a set of men that shoulddo all the eating and none of the work , he would have made them with mouths only andno hand and vice ‘versa. “p. 432: Speaking of his 2nd élection: Let us study the incidents of this as philosophyto leam wisdom from , and none of them as wrongs to he revenged.p.437: 白le strongest hond of human sympathy outside of famil古relations should heone uniting all worki吨people of all nations. Nor should this léadωaw缸on property( capital). Prope时is the fruit of lahor. It is desirahle.
  接朱友渔函(介绍Anthony SprrT) 张宗翁电唐臣函‘杜清宇函 李书田函 王衍康电
  寄许仁章、孙斯大、方丽韶电 梓铭、邦华函 刚复 寄王衍康电 李耕砚函


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