遵 晨睛,下午阴,晚阴。晨250 ,晚25°。毗农院毕业生谭超夏来。
Lincoln Page 248: Lincoln , president elect wrote to Alex. Stephen of Georgia ,”Do the people of the S. really entertain fears that a Republican administratiol) woulddirectly or indirectly interfere俨with slaves? If they do , 1 wish you as once a friend andstill 1 hope , not an enemy , that there is no cause for such fears. ‘” You think slaverγis right , and ought to be extended , while we think it is wrong and ought to be restricted.”从《林肯传》中可知当时南北之争并非北方反对南方不准蓄奴,而在于南方主张蓄奴之区域可以扩充。阅下便知底蕴。
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