竺可桢日记 (1942年)8月12日 星期三 遵


遵 晨阴,中午睛,下午阴起风。晨24°。

  晨六点起。八点至校。作函与二姊。九点半至何家巷。今日;第二次招生为中央、武大、浙大及云大四校。考生只171 人,第二志愿,中大七十七与浙大七十五名。上午6 9( 时〕考数学,下午3→〔时〕考物理、化学。在图书馆见新到杂志Endeavor →卷一期。中午约蔡金涛、马师亮中膳,到殷元章、孙怀慈、钱钟韩、苏元复、杨耀德、沈尚贤等。二点散,回。三点至校。五点半回。
  晚阅Emil Ludwig 著Lincoln oPage 194: “A house divided against its~lf can not stand. ” . .. “This govemmentcan not endure permanently half slave and half free. “Page 204: Lincoln Douglas debate “accustomed to trample on the rights of thosearound you , you have lost the genius of your own independence , and becoine the fitsubject of the 1 st cunning tyrant who rise among you. Y ou can fool all the people someof the time , and some of the people all the time , but you can not fool all the people allthe time” .
  寄二姊、傅明德、渝民权路19 号中茶公司运输部陈静生转赵凤涛函刚复函


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