竺可桢日记 (1942年)5月19日 星期二 遵



  晚阅Babbitto Wm. F. Maag , Jr.” ‘önIrving Babbitt” , p. 70: He did not learn in orderthat he might know , so much that he might be or do. p. 72: He quoted Amold livesman hath a11 which nature hath & “more” , ánd in that “more” lies a11 his hope forgood. p. 74: Humanism meant moderation , measure , sound common sense. p. 76:EveIγthing in Rousseau rests on the idea of the natural goodness of man , an idea whichtransfers. a11 .the fault from the individual to the state , the individual is Teleaved of thetask of improving himself & instead , takes to tickering with society. Babbitt’s work wasbuiIt on inner working of the dualistic struggle .which is constantly going on. Milton:”He who reigns within himself, and rules passions , desires & fears is more than a‘ king’ . ” p. 79: The idea that man needs to subordinate his ordinary self to a higher ordivine will is essential to a11 genuine religion. p. 81: Babbitt saw clearly that the ne.wclass warfare was the end of liberty. The men who were usurping the nanny of liberal ,he said , were radica1 who would deprive man of liberty for the s’ake of greater materialwelfare. In the end , the revolt of masses needed men with absolute power to caηy themthrough. Co11ectivism leads inevitably to the despotism of totalitarian staté.接分校电《大公报》、化学系电蔚光函寄李伯纶函蔚光函赵真觉、周仲(永年


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