竺可桢日记 (1942年)3月20日 星期五 北碚


北碚 晨阴,晚雨。晨150 ,最高20°。

  晚阅Nature 杂志。得振公电,知希文将到遵义,王慧、陈海鸣、何友谅三人己有函到校,可告元事云。据蔚光〔云J,此间阴历除夕下雪甚厚,达10 cm ,蒋家六十老翁所未曾见过。沙坪坝尚厚,重庆极薄,按遵义下雪早二日。
  Plato taught that pure science was a subject for gentlemen , and practical applicationsof knowledge were for people of a lower standard. He used the same Greek work inreferring to the manual operations in surgery as in carpent巧, with the result that the influenceof his teaching led surgery to become the profession of barbers. lt was a vìllageca甲enter , Jesus of Nazareth , who by his ethical teaching & noble life established a socialphilosophy in which the manual labor was given the rightful place. 一-N,αture July5 , 1941 , R. Gregory接振公电振吾函润科、士生、士楷函寄晓沧电孙宝琳函允敏No.4 、荩谋、迪生等函企孙函王爱予函梅函彬彬、允中、二姊函  


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